Help for depression and anxiety

August 13, 2020 BY


Depression and anxiety is more common than we are aware.

Many suffer internally, unsure what is happening to them, struggling on a daily basis to cope with their symptoms, often alone, not letting anyone know or masking it with drugs or alcohol. In the current times many triggers exist for anxiety and depression.
It’s essential we all listen to how we feel or watch our loved ones to ensure we are all well. The signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression are very individual. It’s normal to feel low or sad every now and then but with depression the symptoms last at least two weeks and are felt most of the time with associated lack of interest or pleasure in activities and physical symptoms such as pain, sickness or tiredness. Negative self-thoughts such as worthless and failure are strong along with loss of confidence, feeling overwhelmed, irritability or guilt.
Two things are hugely important but difficult to do. First is the sufferer reaching out for help. The second is others providing support.
Many effective treatments exist for anxiety and depression, and the sooner support is sought, the sooner the recovery.
Your GP is a great starting point. They can provide many treatment options and a GP management plan allowing Medicare rebates for psychological services that the government has recently extended.
If you feel a loved one is struggling, being a support is extremely important. However, it’s often difficult to know how. Try not to shut conversations down, you do not need to have the answers and show you can be trusted. Do not always focus on the negative but provide hope or change the focus of attention on something positive together. Here are some things to say and questions that can help:
“I’m here for you.”
“I’m not sure what to do, but I’m sure we can figure it out together.”
“What can I do to help? Just tell me how.”
“I know it doesn’t feel like it now but there is hope that things can get better.”
“Do you feel like doing something together to take you mind off things?”
“I am sorry if I said the wrong thing, can we start again?”
“This conversation is between me and you.”

To seek help, contact your GP or Beyond Blue:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Suicide call back service 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636