
How To Maximise Your Smaller Living Space: Tips For Tiny Home Dwellers

December 11, 2023 BY

It’s up to individual homeowners to find the design styles and methodologies that suit both their home and their personal lifestyle.

In Australia, tiny homes have become a bit of a movement in their own right. More prospective homeowners are opting to downsize from the get-go, adopting the sustainability and innate minimalism of tiny home living. And as urban properties across Australia grow smaller to accommodate future population density projections, we are learning how to live with less space. 

But just because the average property size is on a decline, it doesn’t mean we have to feel like we’re living with less. In fact, there are actually ways that homeowners can boost the space availability of their smaller homes, whether they’re living in units, apartments, townhouses, or even tiny, mobile homes.

If you’re looking to maximise on your living space as a new tiny homeowner or even an inner city renter, then be sure to follow these practical tips for maximising your smaller interiors with ease.

Embrace the versatility of modular furniture

Modular furniture is by no means a new concept, with furnishings like nesting tables and fold-out couches being widely adopted for decades now. But there’s no denying that modern sofa beds are definitely built differently to their traditional clunky counterparts.

Now, instead of springs and uncomfortable metal frames, modern sofa beds are designed to morph seamlessly from sit mode to sleep mode. They’re also a lot more comfortable than they used to be, meaning any guests that crash on your couch are guaranteed to actually enjoy a comfortable night’s sleep. For those living in tiny homes, a modular sofa could even make a great alternative to a traditional mattress.

Other modular furnishings that you may consider incorporating into your tiny home design include folding or pull-out dinner tables, and even modular shelving.

Make full use of your vertical space

Speaking of modular shelving, the vertical space in your tiny home or apartment space should be used resourcefully. After all, your floor space is precious, and you do want to retain as much of it as possible. The more floor space is available, the more freedom of movement you have as the dweller of that tiny abode.

Free-standing or wall-mounted modular shelving are both great ways to make use of your vertical space, as is installing overhanging shelving or ceiling-mounted storage solutions (like ceiling units or hanging racks). These nifty storage solutions can also play a vital role in not only decluttering your home, but keeping it clutter-free over the long-term.

Nowadays, you can also find a wide range of smart and stylish storage solutions that are designed with modern tiny abodes in mind. So get to hunting – you should have no issue finding storage solutions that complement your interior design style to a tee.

Get creative with your kitchen organisation

Of all the spaces in your home where organisation is key, your kitchen truly does take the cake (no pun intended). Kitchen spaces tend to get chaotic during even the most mundane food preparation tasks. But the last thing you want is to feel like even just pouring yourself a bowl of cereal leaves your tiny kitchen in mammoth disarray. So how do you optimise the one room in your tiny home where space is undeniably a luxury? Well, by making sure that your kitchen storage is smart and easy to use.

Thankfully, modern home designers and product developers are constantly at work trying to find new and innovative ways we can work in our shrinking kitchen spaces. This means that we have an abundance of kitchen organisation tools to pick from today. 

Some of these organisation tools include kitchen drawer organisers, kitchen cupboard pull-out trays, revolving spice racks, mounted herb pots, and even hanging pot racks. This last one is a great practical addition to any tiny home dweller who’s looking to incorporate industrialist elements into their interior design scheme.

Design for natural light and airflow

One of the best pro-tips for creating a more comfortable living space no matter the size or shape of your interiors, is to make sure that there’s plenty of natural light available throughout that abode. And tiny homes are no exception here – nor are compact apartments.

With plenty of natural light filtering into your interiors, your tiny space can actually feel naturally larger and airier, rather than cramped. Facilitating the flow of natural light into your home can also be as simple as adding some mirrors or reflective surfaces to help reflect light coming in through your windows. And if you have the budget, then why not even add more windows, or perhaps even a skylight?

Alongside boosting natural light availability in your interiors, tiny home owners can also benefit from boosting the airflow throughout their interior spaces. Once again, greater airflow can help reduce risks of your space feeling stuffy or cramped.

Adding more windows can help boost airflow, yes. But another lower cost alternative that you might like to consider is incorporating some indoor plants into your home design. A bit of greenery can help freshen up the air in your home and facilitate a healthy flow of energy throughout your interiors.


The final piece of advice we’ll leave you with is this: beware of interior design trends – especially those surrounding tiny homes and compact design methods. It can be all too easy for tiny home dwellers to jump on trends like loft beds or showers that include a toilet. But if you feel like particular design fads (like these) may end up making your space seem cramped rather than spacious, then steer clear.

It’s up to individual homeowners to find the design styles and methodologies that suit both their home and their personal lifestyle. So start experimenting, decorating, and redecorating, to find the design schemes that help you live large whilst staying cosy.