Kings Funerals are here to help ease the stress of funeral planning

Julie Spriggs and Samantha Voyle Hallihan, from Kings Funerals are able to guide you through the funeral planning process.
The planning of a funeral can be daunting and perhaps something you’d rather not think about for fear of placing money before sentiment, or simply finding the thought too difficult to contemplate. The truth is that planning ahead can alleviate these concerns and it makes financial good sense.
Funeral planning can bring peace of mind financially and emotionally and help ensure a true reflection of a life well remembered. It’s an opportunity to discuss your wishes and put your affairs in order in an unhurried manner.
Many people not only record their wishes but they also take the next step and prepay their funeral.
This eases the burden on your family and is one sure way to guard against increasing costs. Within Centrelink guidelines both a funeral bond and a prepaid funeral are not classed as assets, so it can actually work out financially beneficial for you today.
“It’s straightforward and Kings are here to guide you and answer your questions. In any case, you’re under no obligation,” explains Julie Spriggs, prepaid funeral consultant at Kings Funerals.
“The first step, which is usually the hardest, is making time to discuss funeral planning. Simply book online or call us on 5248 3444 to make an appointment to meet in person at one of our convenient Kings venues. A video call is also an option.
“We are then here for you to guide you through each step, explaining all of your options and helping you create a funeral that truly reflects you and the service you’d like. At that point you may wish to keep your plans with us on file, or take the next step and prepay.”
There are two ways to prepay a funeral:
The first is with a funeral bond where the cost of your funeral is estimated and a lump sum is invested with a funeral fund manager to go towards future costs. With this option you can set a target amount and pay in regular or occasional contributions, when and how it suits you.
The second option is a prepaid funeral plan. This is where you decide the details of the funeral service that you want and Kings Funerals guarantees with a written contract to carry out the funeral as arranged, whenever it’s required in years to come. This option does have to be paid in full to lock in today’s prices with the money once again securely invested with a fund manager.
And what of the security of your funds? Julie explains, “Once money has been set aside for a funeral, we at Kings cannot access those funds until we have conducted your funeral. If you choose to move away from the Geelong area then the invested funds can be reassigned to another funeral director, closer to your new home.”
Want to talk it through? We’re here for you.To arrange no obligation appointment with Julie or Sam, simply call or email us 5248 3444 or [email protected].
You may also download a free Memories Matters funeral planning guide from our website
Kings Funerals are here for you. For funerals your way.