New toolkit will help predict Cardiovascular Disease

Many of the actions recommended to reduce CVD risk. such as physical exercise, have wider health benefits
About eight million Australians will benefit from a new approach to stopping cardiovascular disease (CVD) before it strikes.
Health and Aged Care Minister Mark Butler last week launched the country’s new Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Guideline and accompanying CVD Risk Calculator – a “tool kit” that sets improved clinical standards for the prevention of cardiovascular disease before it takes hold.
The new Guideline and calculator were developed by the National Heart Foundation of Australia on behalf of the Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (ACDPA), represented in this project by Diabetes Australia, Kidney Health Australia, and the National Stroke Foundation.
Both the Guideline and calculator will equip GPs, nurses and healthcare practitioners with the best tools yet for preventing cardiovascular disease in the eight million Australians who do not have a CVD diagnosis.
One of the highlights of the new Guideline is the new Australian CVD Risk Calculator, calibrated specifically for the Australian population.
The updated algorithm replaces one that was based on a town in the United States more than 60 years ago.
The new calculator will help clinicians to more accurately predict cardiovascular disease in all people living in Australia.
Other important updates to the Guideline include updated risk categories, improved guidance on how to communicate CVD risk to patients, specific considerations for First Nations peoples who experience heart disease at higher rates than non-Indigenous Australians, and the inclusion of female specific risk factors.
Last week’s reveal now paves the way for the Heart Foundation to begin rolling-out the Guideline to clinicians to ensure Australians have access to the best quality CVD Risk Prevention as soon as possible. A campaign promoting the Guideline to clinicians is now under way.
“The new Australian CVD Prevention Guideline is a tool kit for doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers to more accurately predict and prevent cardiovascular disease in as many as eight million Australians,” National Heart Foundation chief executive officer David Lloyd said.
“Many years from now we will look back on this day and note that the new Guideline was a major turning point in saving many Australians from cardiovascular disease.
“We thank the federal government for their support and leadership on preventative heart health, having funded the development of this Guideline and supported the Heart Foundation with its implementation, and having also extended the Medicare Heart Health Checks.”
Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance executive officer Lucy Westerman, Executive Officer also welcomed the Guideline.
“The updated CVD Prevention Guideline and Calculator will spark important conversations between Australian health care professionals and patients about improving health and preventing chronic conditions including those closely linked to cardiovascular health, particularly heart and kidney diseases, stroke, and diabetes,” she said.
“Many of the actions recommended to reduce CVD risk have wider health benefits; for example, healthier diets, more physical activity, limiting alcohol and not smoking also help to reduce the risk and impact of several cancers, lung disease, and other chronic conditions.
“With up to 40 per cent of chronic disease burden preventable, helping people to better understand and manage factors contributing to chronic illness is essential for longer and healthier lives.”
For more than 60 years, the Heart Foundation has led the battle to save lives and improve the heart health of all Australians. Its sights are set on a world where people do not suffer or die prematurely because of heart disease.
The Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (ACDPA) brings together Cancer Council Australia, Diabetes Australia, National Heart Foundation of Australia, Kidney Health Australia, National Stroke Foundation, and Lung Foundation Australia. It advocates for the long-term health and wellbeing of Australians by providing a powerful voice for those living with, or at risk of, chronic disease.
For more information about the Guideline, head to