Online campaign calls for people to support the arts

May 14, 2020 BY

Geelong’s Someone New Theatre Company stealing the show on stage at Platform Youth Arts’ Performance Space. Photo: LEIKO MANALANG

Geelong’s Platform Youth Arts has launched an “Adopt a Seat” campaign in the hope of supporting the region’s talented young creatives during a time of upheaval for the arts industry.

Having championed young people’s participation in the arts since its opening in 1996, the organisation (which has been closed since March) has been contemplating how its legacy could continue throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

Through its new initiative, Platform Youth Arts is encouraging the Geelong and wider communities to adopt one or more of 128 seats at its heritage venue, after it announced its cancellation of all programs, performances and workshops had resulted in financial losses.

Donors are able to select their own virtual seat online, from A, B or C reserve, with the option to become a major donor and adopt one of two armchairs on stage or one centre-stage sofa.

Anyone who adopts a seat will be invited to an official patrons event, which will be held later this year at the Little Malop Street building.

Platform Youth Arts executive producer Ilana Russell said it was critical people supported arts and recreation businesses, as the repercussions of closures would be felt long after the pandemic’s over.

“Facing ongoing restrictions on large gatherings, financial recovery in the arts is expected to take significantly longer than other industries.

“Platform Youth Arts has helped shape the lives of Geelong’s young creatives, and offers them a valuable space in the community.

“This is an important opportunity for our friends and supporters to invest in high-quality, contemporary arts programs that resonate with young people in our region.”

Donations of $2 or more to Platform Youth Arts initiatives in Australia are tax deductible for Australian taxpayers.

Platform Youth Arts said its goal was for all seats to be adopted by June 30.

To pledge your support and make a donation online, head to