Record registrations expected for febfast

January 21, 2021 BY

The annual event raises money for Youth Support + Advocacy Service.

Australians are flocking to annual abstinence event febfast to kickstart better health in 2021.

Registrations for febfast have now opened and organisers are expecting a bumper year. Febfast, now in its 12th year, is an initiative of YSAS (the Youth Support + Advocacy Service).

Participants abstain from alcohol, sugar or a vice of their choice for the 28 days of February, while raising money to support young people who are experiencing serious disadvantage. Businesses can also sign up as a team and/or dollar match donations.

YSAS general manager of service development Dominic Ennis said febfast was the perfect opportunity to call time out on alcohol or sugar for the month of February and raise funds to transport the lives of young people experiencing serious disadvantage.

“The health benefits are clear. Days and nights without alcohol or sugar improve energy levels, concentration, sleep and the ability to relax, while also decreasing stress and mental tension. With all the extra time and energy they have, our febfasters get out more – going for a surf, exploring new bike paths or spending more quality time with the kids.

“It’s a win-win. By registering for febfast and asking your friends, family and colleagues to sponsor your break from booze or sugar, you’ll also be raising funds for YSAS to work with young people who are struggling with substance abuse to get back on track to a healthier life and a better future.”

Jane Gardner, Head of Advocacy at YSAS, added, “Put simply, 2020 sucked.”

“It’s no wonder so many of us – myself included – found ourselves eating Nutella straight from the jar after watching another depressing press conference and cracking open yet another bottle of wine at the end of an extremely long day of kid-wrangling and remote working.

“As a result, I exited 2020 feeling tired, unfit and just plain uncomfortable with the newly acquired COVID-kilos.

“I will be taking part in febfast to help reverse some of that 2020 damage by quitting sugar and alcohol. Having done febfast in previous years, I know it’ll work for me and I encourage others to join me as well. Not only will I feel so much better, I’ll also feel good knowing I’ve raised money to support disadvantaged young people who have had a truly horrible 12 months.”

Sign up now and pause for a cause this February via