What matters is what happens next
Things go wrong. We make mistakes. Life happens.
It’s okay that you don’t like what happened. What matters is what happens next.
Take heavyweight world boxing champion Reuben Carter, who was wrongfully committed for murder in the 1960s and imprisoned for 20 years, and yet there he was as he was entering the prison uttering these profound and powerful statements that remain lessons for us all:
“I will stay but I will not be a prisoner
I have choices that cannot be taken away
I will not give up the last thing I can control, myself.”

At times we’ll all be disappointed, but we should never be defeated. We are built to persevere and see it through. Disappointed but not defeated. Whether young or old, you have what it takes!
You don’t control what fate decide for you. You don’t get to choose. Nobody wants to come face to face with adversity, an error, or an unpleasant reality. But you do control whether you give up, whether you let it break your heart, whether you are defeated.
Keep believing in your own capacity, and never give up!
Infinite possibilities,
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