100 reasons for Joeys to celebrate

March 18, 2022 BY

St Joseph's College sent a celebration party for the 100th birthday of their oldest living Collegian John Bohan, front right.

ST Joseph’s College’s oldest living Collegian and former school cricketer John Bohan has raised his bat in fine style in celebration of his 100th birthday.

The College honoured Mr Bohan with a private gathering last week to acknowledge the impressive feat.

School dignitaries including fellow Old Collegian Des Podbury, principal Tony Paatsch and St Joseph’s Old Collegians Association president Justin O’Brien visited Mr Bohan at Mercy Place Rice Village during the week ahead of the milestone on Sunday.

Mr Bohan was a student from the Newtown school’s founding year in 1935 and graduated in 1940 and was part of the school choir and cricket team alongside his studies.

He was an accomplished artist and has a collection of his works on display at the College today, an accomplishment the school hopes will inspire its contemporary artists when creating their work.

Having already received a letter of congratulations from the Queen, Mr Bohan enjoyed a celebratory cake and the opportunity to swap stories with fellow alumni and school connections.

Mr Bohan has remained connected to the school more than 80 years since graduation, and thanked the travelling party with a passionate chant of Joey’s Forever as a farewell for his commemorative afternoon.