$180M redevelopment planned for Pako mills site

August 7, 2023 BY

Almost 30,000sqm of riverfront land would be transformed into apartments and commercial spaces under the ambitious proposal. Photos: SUPPLIED

A HISTORIC Newtown mill would be converted into 343 new residences, a childcare centre and commercial areas in a $180-million development at the river end of Pakington Street.

Developers have applied to transform a 29,280sqm block at 403 Pakington Street into the riverfront complex at one of Geelong’s most sought-after areas.

The site is the former Retired Soldiers Woollen Mill and includes the Rutland Street chimney stack. It is included in the Victorian Heritage Register.

The new proposal would create 10 new buildings during four construction phases across the site, consisting of:

  • 343 apartments, including a combination of townhouses, and one, two , three and four bedroom apartments
  • Commercial floorspace capable of accommodating existing and future commercial operators to the site
  • Retail floorspace, including food and drink premises
  • A childcare centre for 150 children
  • 399 bicycle parking spaces, and
  • 741 car parking spaces within two levels of basement and an at-grade car park.



The development would partially demolish the buildings, but planners say their designs will largely retain their façade and pay respect to the site’s history.

“New buildings to be constructed above existing heritage fabric incorporate significant setbacks to ensure streetscapes are retained and upper levels are visually recessive.”

Buildings would range from one storey to seven storeys (26.1 metres) and would be tallest toward the centre of the development, with heights proposed to slope down towards street frontages and the Barwon River.



Documents also indicate that new public pedestrian paths will create new connections between Riversdale Road and Pakington Street, and integrated landscaping to improve visual appeal.

Developers say the proposal will respond to need for more diverse housing and increased commercial opportunities in the area, which are identified priorities in Geelong council’s West Fyans/Fyans Street Precinct structure plan.

“The proposal seeks to balance these objectives with the careful retention and preservation of a significant portion of the former Returned Soldiers Woollen Mill complex together with the creation of innovative reuse spaces, new high-density housing, childcare facilities and food and drink premises.


Architects say their design will pay homage to the site’s historic use.


Proponents have prepared almost two dozen reports to back their proposal, addressing topics including design, the area’s heritage, sustainability, environmental risk.

The City of Greater Geelong is advertising the plans for public comment on its website until August 19.