
$22k raised for Give Where You Live

July 5, 2024 BY

L-R: Give Where You Live's Meg Price, Regional Development Victoria's Brett Ince, Melbourne Convention and Events Centre CEO Natalie O'Brien and Novotel general manager John Dickson. Photo: SUPPLIED

MORE than 100 people gathered at Novotel Geelong on Friday last week to raise money for Geelong charity Give Where You Live.

At the lunch, $11,000 was raised, which was then doubled by Novotel owners, the Erdie Group.

Novotel’s Karen Jackson said the hotel was happy with how the event went and the money raised.

“In total we donated $22,000, which will obviously help support Give Where You Live and the other community charities they support in these current tough times.”

As part of the event, Melbourne Convention and Event Centre chief executive Natalie O’Brien provided an update on the Nyaal Banyul Geelong Convention and Event Centre.

Victorian Department of Jobs, Skills Industry and Regions regional director Brett Ince also spoke at the event.

“It was very popular, it was great to have so many people interested in hearing what’s happening with the Convention Centre and Brett from regional development as well, everyone’s enjoyed it,” Ms Jackson said.

Give Where You Live work within the Geelong region to create a fair and more equitable community, providing a range of support.

Give Where You Live head of operations and social impact Meg Price said the organisation had always kept the community at the heart of everything they do.

“We were delighted to have been the charity partner for the Novotel event celebrating the Nyaal Banyul Geelong Convention and Events Centre.

“We’re so thankful to our community for their continues support, especially in our 70th year as we celebrate the impact we have been able to make and the generosity of the community who have supported our work.

“We couldn’t do the work that we do with, and for our community, without generous donations and incredible partnerships. Thank you.”

For more information, head to givewhereyoulive.com.au