A united front for mental wellbeing

August 30, 2024 BY
World Mental Health Yoga

Read The Play general manager Michelle Gerdtz said the practice of yoga had many benefits. Photos: MICHAEL CHAMBERS

AN EXCITING and uplifting new event is set to bring the community together for World Mental Health Day.

The inaugural “Serenity in the Stadium” will see up to 2,000 people take to the field at GMHBA Stadium on October 10 for a one-hour guided yoga session as the sun rises over the stands.

The event is an initiative of mental health literacy organisation Read The Play, community participation project Active Geelong and Kardinia Park Stadium Trust, in collaboration with major partner Plan Group.


World Mental Health Yoga
Back L-R: Active Geelong ambassador Peter Murrihy, Kardinia Park Stadium Trust chief executive Gerrard Griffin and Read The Play general manager Michelle Gerdtz. Front L-R: Geelong Cat and Read The Play ambassador Mark O’Connor and Geelong United Basketball WNBL and Read The Play ambassador Sarah Elsworthy.


It is open to yogis of all ages and experience levels and aims to both spread awareness about the importance of mental wellbeing and provide the community with a space to foster new connections and share in the joy of movement and mindfulness.

Read The Play general manager Michelle Gerdtz said Serenity in the Stadium would provide myriad opportunities for the Geelong community to get involved in World Mental Health Day.

“This event will allow workplaces to engage their employees in a meaningful way, schools to introduce a new initiative that promotes physical activity, sporting clubs to advocate for mental health awareness and support, and friends to connect before work.

“We believe we can bring together a community of people who are passionate about movement, linking mental health and physical activity.

“We know that the practice of yoga is beneficial for many reasons including mind-body connection, stress reduction, improved mood, mindfulness, physical activity and social connection, and we are thrilled to have Sally Ferris from Wonder Yoga lead the session.”


Back (L-R): Beyond Bank’s Cam Murnane, Plan Group’s James Dean, Read The Play’s Michelle Gerdtz, Kardinia Park Stadium Trust’s Gerrard Griffin, Geelong Cat and Read the Play ambassador Mark O’Connor. Front (L-R): GMHBA’s Bianca Liberatore, Active Geelong ambassador Peter Murrihy and Geelong United Basketball WNBL and Read The Play ambassador Sarah Elsworthy. Photo: SUPPLIED


The goal, Ms Gerdtz said, is for Serenity in the Stadium to become a flagship event that the Geelong community looked forward to each year.

Active Geelong chair Hugh Seward said the event was a great initiative that would bring the community together in the name of mental health and physical activity.

“Physical activity is preventative medicine for good physical and mental health,” Dr Seward said.

“Active Geelong’s advocacy for physical exercise is ‘everyone, every day’ and we’re excited that this event will offer an opportunity for a large group of people to enjoy the physical and mental benefits of exercise together.”

All proceeds raised from Serenity in the Stadium will support the work of Read The Play and Active Geelong.

For more information, or to purchase tickets, head to serenityinthestadium.com.au

Until September 10, a 10 per cent early bird discount is available to readers of this masthead using the promotional code “Times”.