AFL Victoria announce new Return to Play protocols

July 2, 2020 BY

AFL Victoria has released more details about the protocols players, staff and spectators will have to follow when the football season begins later this month.

The updated protocols, released today (Thursday, July 1), state only spectators necessary to support participation should attend games and training. They must also remain 1.5 metres apart and can not be in groups larger than 10 in outdoor areas.

It is the participating clubs’ responsibility to ensure spectators are following protocols. AFL Victoria stated that clubs can liaise with the police to enforce social distancing protocols at their matches.

Spectators are also not allowed on grounds during breaks or after matches.

Players and staff have also been told not to shake hands or high five other participants. They should also limit coming together in huddles during training and breaks during matches.

There are still restrictions on the use of change rooms too, with a maximum of 20 people allowed in an indoor space at once.

In their protocols, AFL Victoria urged people to respect restrictions.

“It is essential that Clubs and individuals work within the timelines and protocols and do not move ahead of the level and restrictions in place.”

AFL Victoria is also urging all participants and spectators to download the Covidsafe App, although this is not mandatory.

For the full list of protocols, head to