Airshow lights up the night
THE 2023 edition of the Australian International Airshow started with a bang yesterday (Friday, March 3), with spectacular flying displays starting in the early afternoon and continuing into the night.
With gates opening earlier than expected and the flying display moved forward an hour, crowds were wowed by a mix of propellor- and jet-powered aircraft, explosions, aerobatics, fireworks, and a laser light display.
Highlights included the Black Eagles, the Republic of Korea Air Force Demonstration Team in its Australia debut, that showed a high level of teamwork and flying performances through various manoeuvres; the Paul Bennet Airshows “Skyaces”, which performed an array of dazzling formation aerobatics in very close proximity, very close to the ground and with fireballs as a backdrop; and full-throttle displays from the US Air Force’s F-22 Raptor and the Royal Australian Air Force’s F-35 Lightning II.

As the sun went down, the aerial action lit up the sky, including the Super Salto Jet Airplane pyrotechnics display; the Meteor Men parachute drop with pyrotechnics; the “Catwalk” pyrotechnics display and laser show; and the famous “wall of fire”.