Annual fair to support Queenscliff charity
CHILDREN’S charity Cottage by the Sea is gearing up for its annual fair, which will be staged tomorrow (Saturday, January 14).
The fair is the single biggest fundraising event for the Queenscliff-based organisation to help fund the programs of the cottage, which are all completely non-government funded.
The cottage programs run in Queenscliff and off-site as far away as the Northern Territory, and teach vital life lessons to the children who participate.

Founded in 1890, the cottage also offers respite holidays to children and families in need at Riptide Cottage, situated on the cottage grounds.
Attractions at the fair include:
- Barbecue lunch
- Devonshire tea with views of The Rip
- Bacon and eggs breakfast
- Doughnuts
- Beef and gravy rolls
- Homemade cakes
- Cottage by the Sea’s famous fruit and veg store
- Books
- Pots and plants
- Trash and treasure, and
- The opportunity to tour the cottage and learn about the charity’s work.
Everything at the fair is donated and run by volunteers, with every dollar spent going to fund the children’s programs throughout the year.
The Cottage by the Sea Annual Fair will be held on the cottage grounds at 25 Flinders Street, Queenscliff tomorrow from 9am-2pm.
For more information, head to