Architect appointed for Northern Bay College rebuild

December 16, 2024 BY
Northern Bay College rebuild

Deputy Premier and Minister for Education Ben Carroll (third from right) and Lara MP Ella George (second from right) visited Northern Bay College's Hendy P-8 Campus on Wednesday. They are seen here with college principal Scott Diamond (right) and college students and staff. Photo: FACEBOOK/BEN CARROLL MP

The Victorian government has started demolition works as part of the process to rebuild the fire-damaged main building at Northern Bay College’s Hendy P-8 Campus, and has announced it will appoint an architect for the project soon.

On October 8 a fire at the campus in Hendy Street, Corio caused significant damage to the main building.

Year 7 and Year 8 students have been attending the Peacock Street campus due to capacity constraints caused by the fire, but have now returned to the main campus.

Three relocatable learning buildings and portable toilets have been installed, and minor upgrades to the administration building have been carried out.

Demolition of the fire-damaged building is expected to take approximately three weeks.

The process to engage an architect for the rebuild project has also begun.

Architects will visit the school soon so they can gain an understanding of the site and the unique qualities of the Hendy P-8 Campus.

It is expected that an architect will be appointed early in 2025.

The Victorian government is assessing the project requirements to get a better understanding of the cost and timelines for the rebuild.

A design will be released once a builder has been appointed.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Education Ben Carroll and Lara MP Ella George visited the Hendy P-8 Campus on Wednesday this week to inspect the demolition work.

“I’m delighted to announce planning for a new, modern main building is under way,” Mr Carroll said.

“We have been working with the school to find the best solutions for rebuilding on the Hendy Street campus.”

“We are proud to back this school and the wider community in Northern Bay by rebuilding the main campus so students can enjoy the best facilities.”

Ms George said the Northern Bay College community had done “an amazing job” adapting to the circumstances following the fire, and thank staffed, students and their families for their support of everyone at the campus.

“I’m excited to see construction of the new building commence in 2025 and anticipate world-class facilities that students and staff can be proud of.”