Coming soon: $2.25 million to help build Armstrong Creek West early learning centre

South Barwon MP Darren Cheeseman stands on the site of the Armstrong Creek West Neighbourhood Child and Community Centre. Photo: JAMES TAYLOR
A NEW early learning centre will be built in the west of Armstrong Creek within two years, with the state government contributing $2.25 million towards
the project.
Earlier this week, South Barwon MP Darren Cheeseman announced the City of Greater Geelong had successfully applied for a grant for the Armstrong Creek West Neighbourhood Child and Community Centre (ACWNCCC), which will be built on the corner of Unity and Sovereign drives, next to Mirripoa Primary School.
The $12.95 million centre, which will be similar to the Armstrong Creek East Community Hub on the other side of the growth area, is expected to be finished by December 2022.
It will provide the residents of western Armstrong Creek access to family, community and early years services. These include:
- A 66-place kindergarten for three- and four-year-olds
- A multipurpose space that can be licensed for 22 three- and four-year-olds
- A two-room maternal and child health facility, and
- Family support spaces and flexible multipurpose spaces, including required outdoor spaces.
“This investment will mean South Barwon children can access high quality kinder close to home,” Mr Cheeseman said.
“Investing in the early years is vital to encouraging a strong educational future and fostering a lifelong love of learning.”
To the north, in nearby Grovedale, St Paul’s Lutheran Kindergarten will receive $816,000 for an extra classroom.
The ACWNCCC and St Paul’s Lutheran Kindergarten are among 127 successful grant recipients to share in $46.9 million through the state government’s Building Blocks capacity building and improvement grant streams, which provide new kindergarten places and improve learning environments.
The 2020/21 Victorian Budget includes a further $38.5 million towards the Building Blocks grants program.