Avalon plan feedback

August 23, 2021 BY

Protecting the environment and 'green wedge' between Geelong and Werribee is a focus of the Avalon Corridor Strategy. Photo: DRAFT AVALON CORRIDOR STRATEGY

LOCAL residents with an interest in plans for growth between Geelong and Werribee are encouraged to join online workshops, one-on-one interviews or provide written feedback.
The City of Greater Geelong, in partnership with Wyndham City Council, has released the draft Avalon Corridor Strategy for the community to consider before the significant planning framework is finalised.
The strategy, which was developed in collaboration with the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, ensures there will be a ‘green wedge’ separating Geelong and Werribee and focuses on the environment, cultural heritage, movement and access, flooding and drainage, and economics and employment.
Once finalised, the strategy will be incorporated into both the Greater Geelong and Wyndham Planning Schemes and guide development, including proposed industrial and commercial growth at Avalon and Bay West Port which will create thousands of jobs.
Geelong councillor Anthony Aitken said the strategy has been 30 years in the making since the former Shire of Corio released the first ever economic development plan for the Avalon area in 1991.
“I am extremely proud to be part of a council which is protecting the ‘green break’ between Geelong and Melbourne, recognising the significant environmental and cultural assets that exist, while also establishing the framework for investment to turn this area into the economic engine room for future jobs for Geelong and Werribee,” he said.
Councillor Kylie Grzybek, also representing the Windermere ward, said the important document had been a long time coming and she encouraged feedback from local residents and businesses.
“The Avalon Corridor is where the jobs of the future are going to be for the Greater Geelong and Wyndham regions and we need to get this right,” she said. “We want the views of the community, stakeholders and potential investors, as the strategy covers cultural and environmental values, employment opportunities, port and rail proposals and much more.”
Community members can view the draft Avalon Corridor Strategy, find out more about the opportunities to provide feedback at yoursay.geelongaustralia.com.au.
Online workshops are planned for September 1, 2, 8, 9 and 12 but registrations are capped at 20 people for each workshop.
Individual phone or Zoom interviews can be arranged between September 13 and 17 by contacting the city.