Avoiding the flu

April 9, 2020 BY

Direct Chemist Outlet is encouraging people to be proactive in avoiding influenza this year.

They are helping people avoid the flu through their in-pharmacy vaccination service, offered at select stores.

Direct Chemist Outlet Ocean Grove pharmacist Matt Pittwood said other ways to safeguard against the flu were similar to those people are already being urged to practice.

“The same measures that prevent people catching the coronavirus are also the same to prevent people catching the flu: stay 1.5 metres away from other people, cough in to your elbow, tissues and paper towel are single use, bin them after using. Take care and stay healthy this winter.”

Flu symptoms come on quickly and severely. Direct Chemist Outlet advises symptoms include exhaustion, a high fever (>38.5 degrees Celsius), body aches, chills and sweating, sore throat, headache, and a cough.

In some cases, it can cause serious health problems and result in hospitalisation.

Those who experience flu-like symptoms should contact their doctors quickly as anti-viral treatments are only helpful in the first 48 hours of the flu.

Otherwise, paracetamol and cough medicine will help reduce the symptoms. Bed rest and staying hydrated are crucial to recovery.

People are encouraged to contact their local Direct Chemist Outlet store to get immunised.

To find a store near you, head to directchemistoutlet.com.au.