Backing community in Lara incinerator fight

September 29, 2023 BY

AS A LONG-TERM public campaigner, it was important to me that when I became a Councillor, I continued to advocate for issues that are important to the local community.

In the Windermere Ward, there is widespread public concern about Prospect Hill International’s proposed waste-to-energy facility proposal.

Last month I joined about 150 community members at a forum, organised by Geelong Sustainability, to learn more about the unease that many have about the proposed development.

Geelong Sustainability is among the groups that have approached Council with concerns regarding the potential impacts of this facility on the local neighbourhood.

Following that meeting, Council has taken steps to ensure that the community’s views are being heard by the Victorian Government, which has the ultimate decision-making power.

As a referral authority, Council’s role in this process is limited to providing advice and feedback regarding the application’s consistency with the Planning Scheme.

Where we can have a role, is to represent the interests of our community.

It is our role, as a Council, to raise these issues on behalf of those who put them to us.

To advocate to the decision makers, so we can be confident they are fully informed of the community’s wishes.

Earlier this month Council wrote to the Victorian Minister for Planning, Sonya Kilkenny, to outline the community’s concern with the proposal.

The concerns largely relate to the potential health and environmental impacts such a facility could have on the surrounding community.

There are a number of schools and preschools located within five kilometres of the proposed site, and residential homes located as close as 350m away.

Councillors have also heard questions from concerned residents about the safety and viability of the facility.

It is so important that we use our position as Councillors to represent the interests of our community. I will follow with great interest what happens next for this application.


LGBTQIA+ matters

Recently I had the pleasure of chairing my first LGBTQIA+ advisory committee meeting.

This committee plays a key role in providing advice and recommendations to the City of Greater Geelong on all issues that affect the region’s LGBTQIA+ Community.

This includes advocacy for equality and social inclusion, and it is an area I have a great passion for.

There were some wonderful updates out of the most recent meeting – the committee meets six times a year – and I’m glad to be able to share some of these with you.

One of the biggest annual events for the community is the Wear it Purple day, which was held last month.

In total, 163 young people attended the event, while staff and volunteers from our partner organisations, as well as members of our leadership team, showed their support on the day.

The event was co-designed by 20 young people from both the Rainbow Youth Advisory Group and GASP (Gender and Sexuality Project) and allowed so many youths in the region to enjoy themselves in a safe and supportive queer environment.

The next project that RYAG will be working on is looking at defining processes and best practice for promotion of LGBTQIA+ youth activities and events.

Other events to look forward to include IDAHOBIT 2024, and after a successful event this year, the City is now in the process of re-engaging key stakeholders to secure a keynote speaker for next year and cement partnership agreements.

The work being done in this space is so vital for vulnerable members of our community and I am encouraged by the support we continue to receive from so many people.


Cr Sarah Hathway

Windermere Ward,

City of Greater Geelong