Backyard nature

April 23, 2020 BY

A ladybird photographed in Geelong.

CITY of Greater Geelong residents are being encouraged to explore nature in their own backyards.

The city is taking part in the worldwide City Nature Challenge, which runs from tomorrow (Friday, April 24) to Monday, April 27.

The challenge looks to connect people to their environment while also collecting valuable data on plants, animal and fungus.

Participants simply need to photograph or sound record wildlife in their backyard and upload it to the iNaturalist app or website.

Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher said the challenge gave people an incentive to enjoy a healthy form of recreation that also benefited others.

“In these challenging times, connecting with nature in your backyard is a safe and responsible way to cope with stress, while maintaining the health of ourselves and our communities.

“The City Nature Challenge allows us to not only appreciate nature, but to help collect data on the plant and animal species we have living in our backyards.”

The challenge also helps people connect with others as they share their findings online with people from about 200 cities.

Geelong Field Nature Club president Rod Lowther said he hoped many people from Geelong and the surrounding areas would join in the global evemt.

“I encourage all residents to find the ants, bees, bugs, birds, bats and possums that might live or pass through your garden. Take a photo and let us tell you what species it is. You can include your plants, too.

“Let’s discover and share the great biodiversity that exists in our region in a different and fun way.”
For more information, head to