Barwon Health congratulated for its volunteer focus

January 28, 2021 BY

Volunteering Geelong president Cr Anthony Aitken (centre) and chief executive officer Helen Hunter present the award certificate to Barwon Health’s chief nursing and midwifery officer Kate Gillan.

VOLUNTEERING Geelong has congratulated Barwon Health for its leadership and initiative in successfully managing and redeploying volunteer resources during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The not-for-profit body that promotes and supports volunteering across the Geelong region presented Barwon Health with its Board’s Organisation Award.

The award recognises the safety measures and extra precautions Barwon Health implemented for its volunteers during the lockdown and restriction periods.

“Barwon Health provided exceptional leadership in quickly reassessing its existing volunteer programs and redeploying volunteer staff to areas where extra support was required, such as in aged care services,” Volunteering Geelong president Cr Anthony Aitken said.

“They maintained regular contact with any of their volunteers who were in isolation and continued to offer a positive experience for people needing to attend hospital by ensuring everyone was kept safe.”

Barwon Health chief nursing and midwifery officer Kate Gillan said the healthcare provider was thrilled to receive the recognition from a group with such a commitment to highlighting the efforts of volunteers in our community.

“The pandemic has been a challenging time for Barwon Health’s volunteers, as they haven’t been able to support our organisation in the way they had for so long,” Ms Gillan said.

“We know as soon as they’re able to return to Barwon Health sites, our volunteers will be eager to make a real difference for our patients and visitors once again.”