Reimagine: Bellarine basin site set to transform into public open space

April 22, 2021 BY

Barwon Water managing director Tracey Slatter, front, with Bellarine Catchment Network program manager Matt Crawley, DELWP Barwon South West acting regional manager Land and Built Environment Gavan Mathieson, and Chase Aghan from Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation. Photo: REBECCA ADAM

BARWON Water will transform a disused basin site in Wallington into more than 30 hectares of environmental and public open space.

The water authority plans to start work on the Bellarine Basin rehabilitation project – located on the corner of Grubb and Swan Bay roads – later this month.

The project will see the removal of the old reservoir, enabling the natural headwaters of Yarram Creek to be restored and wetlands to be established.

The pine tree plantation, which contains trees that are nearing the end of their natural life, will be replaced in stages with indigenous trees, shrubs and grasses, and the security fencing and old buildings on site will be dismantled.

Managing director Tracey Slatter said Barwon Water was delighted to be working with the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners, local community and key agencies to significantly improve the environment at the site and add to the Bellarine’s beautiful natural vistas.

“One of the main aims of this project is to protect and enhance the unique habitats, ecosystems and biodiversity of the Bellarine, including native vegetation and fauna,” Ms Slatter said.

“This presents an exciting opportunity to work with Wadawurrung Traditional Owners, the local community and key stakeholders to reimagine this space.”

Ms Slatter said Barwon Water had received $650,000 funding under the Victorian Government’s Distinctive Areas and Landscapes program and would contribute the same amount to the $1.3-million project to begin remediating and revegetating the site.

She said the project would be delivered in stages during the next three years, with input from the community sought along the way.

Bellarine Catchment Network program manager Matt Crawley said the project offered an amazing opportunity for the community to come together and improve the local environment.

“As an organisation focused on projects that protect and enhance the Bellarine environment, we couldn’t be more excited by this project and look forward to working with Barwon Water and other stakeholders in the coming years on a project that will significantly improve the environment and natural amenity of the Bellarine,” Mr Crawley said.

Geelong Field Naturalists Club life member Craig Morley welcomed the exciting project and the opportunity for club members to be involved as Barwon Water’s plans for the site progress.

“This is a fabulous opportunity … it is an underrated gem, a place of beauty on the Bellarine Peninsula,” Mr| Morley said.

“It’s important that we take the time to get this right so we can protect the flora, fauna and environmental value that has been retained or developed at the site because of its seclusion for more than 80 years.”

Ms Slatter said work this year would focus on realigning the waterway, removing some of the pine trees, and promoting the regrowth of native vegetation at the site.

“As it will take time for some of the native vegetation to return and flourish, areas of pine trees will be retained in the short-term to complement the regrowth of native vegetation and preserve and improve local wildlife habitats.”

Early stages of the project are underway, including a biodiversity assessment, which will help inform broader plans for the site.

The open-air Bellarine Basin was the main balancing storage for drinking water for customers across the Bellarine.

It was used from the 1930s until it was decommissioned in 2011 following supply system upgrades that meant it was no longer required for operational purposes.

It is also not required for expanding recycled water schemes on the Bellarine as these can be extended by augmenting the Portarlington Water Reclamation Plant and extensive pipe network.