Bellarine Training and Community Hub opens a library

April 30, 2020 BY

Kim Kosta with the collection of books at the Ocean Grove centre.

BELLARINE Training and Community Hub is helping people keep their minds active during the coronavirus lockdown by providing free books and puzzles at their Ocean Grove centre.

The borrowing terms are flexible. The centre asks that puzzles be returned after completion, but books – there are presently more than 200 – can either be kept, returned or passed on to someone else.

Community Development Officer Kim Kosta organised the library and said the community was eager to support the idea.

“All the books and jigsaws were donated from community members.

“People have inundated us with bags and bags of books.”

Ms Kosta said people’s willingness to donate and the overall reception to the library means it is likely to continue for some time.

“It was set up just for the pandemic, but it is something we might keep going with afterwards. We may just move it from the foyer to somewhere else in the building.

“But at the moment because we’re social distancing in the foyer people don’t have come in contact with anyone, they can just go to it and go out again.

The centre is located at 1 John Dory Drive, Ocean Grove.

Ms Kosta said anyone is welcome to browse and borrow.

“Wer’re a neighbourhood centre, so we’re open to anyone.”

They are available in the centre’s foyer on weekdays between 9am-5pm.

Donations are still being accepted if people have any puzzles or books they are happy to give away.