Belmont market welcomes more business

December 10, 2020 BY

The Belmont Market - seen here in pre-coronavirus times - is popular with shoppers on a Sunday.

LOCAL traders will get the opportunity to cash in on the Belmont Market with the City announcing the opening of all outdoor stalls.

Since reopening in October there has been an increase in demand for business with 151 outdoor stalls being booked out weeks in advance.

The market will continue to operate at a reduced capacity but with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions a further 59 stalls have been added.

“The Belmont Market is going from strength to strength and it’s great to be able to welcome more stallholders from Sunday,” Mayor Stephanie Asher said.

Earlier this year the Belmont Market broke records by filling 271 stalls previously offered with a 30 per cent increase in booking rates than previous years.

While the changes will only allow for up to 210 stallholders, the interest from the community has been just as strong.

Community Life Director Robyn Stevens said the demand for stalls has meant council has extended the booking window to four weeks in advance.

“The increase is partly due to the reduced capacity of the market, and partly because more and more people are looking to sell items they have acquired during lockdown,” she said.

It is estimated that between 4,000-5,000 people have been attending the free market, purchasing anything from vintage clothing, to fresh flowers, fruit and vegetables.

“Crowd numbers have risen strongly in the past month and we are mindful of providing more opportunities for traders and shoppers alike,” Cr Asher said.

To align with COVID-19 safety measures, the City will continue to keep the indoor section closed to the public.

The Belmont Market is on 8am-1pm every Sunday except December 27 at the Barwon Valley Activity Centre site, 1 Barwon Heads Rd, Belmont.

Bookings for casual outdoor stallholders can be made online via