Bi-partisan support for South Barwon club

November 6, 2022 BY

Labor MP Darren Cheeseman has made an election promise for a clubroom redevelopment for South Barwon FNC. Photo: SUPPLIED

SOUTH Barwon incumbent MP and Labor candidate Darren Cheeseman has pledged $2.5 million for an upgrade of Highton’s McDonald Reserve.

It means the home of South Barwon Football Netball Club is all-but guaranteed a major upgrade following the state election, after Liberal candidate Andrew Katos made a similar commitment earlier in the election campaign.

Mr Cheeseman promised to redevelop the site’s clubrooms and realign the second oval with the cash if re-elected at the end of this month.

“Families in South Barwon will enjoy new sports facilities, thanks to a re-elected Andrews Labor Government,” Mr Cheeseman stated.

The government said the promise was part of its wider push to improve sports grounds across the state.

“Every parent wants to see their kids active and engaged – local sporting clubs are the heart of so many communities,” Community Sport Minister Ros Spence said.

The funding commitment follows a $1.8 million pledge from Mr Katos in September for an extended pavilion with female change rooms and other amenities, plus new LED lighting for two ovals and netball courts.