Boorai Centre closes after confirmed coronavirus case

July 10, 2020 BY

The Boorai Centre in Ocean Grove. Photo: PERKINS ARCHITECTS

The Boorai Centre in Ocean Grove closed this morning for a deep clean, following confirmation that a child who attended the facility has since been confirmed as contracting coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) advised the City of Greater Geelong last night (Thursday, July 9) that a confirmed case of COVID-19 had attended the centre on July 2.

The child did not display any symptoms and was not visibly unwell on the day.

Families with children who were scheduled to attend the centre today were last night informed of the closure.

City staff were also contacted and will not be attending the centre.

The city will today undertake the environmental clean – in line with the DHHS’ COVID-19 health and safety protocols – and assess further control measures.