Borough embarks on live streaming

April 30, 2020 BY

The Borough of Queenscliffe council will stream its Monday, May 4 meeting on its Facebook page.

THE Borough of Queenscliffe’s budget consultation process will reach an inventive conclusion when council hosts a live and interactive presentation on its Facebook page on Monday, May 4.

The borough instigated a social media presence about four months ago, but the keynote, which will include a dedicated question-and-answer segment, will be the borough’s first foray into live streaming.

More than 330 residents took part in the budget’s initial community feedback process.

Queenscliffe manager of financial services Gihan Kohobange said he wanted to be bring the participants, as well as others in the borough who may have not yet engaged with council, on the journey via a new medium.

“Our community clearly demonstrated their knowledge and passion throughout the first few stages of the budget procedure, and I think they’ll really enjoy this insight into how we incorporated their feedback,” Mr Kohobange said.

“The restrictions around gatherings of any kind required us to look for a different approach to the typical in-person budget presentation, and I’m looking forward to seeing how our residents will respond.”

The live stream will also outline how the borough has used feedback from residents to create its budget, as well as the effect of coronavirus on council’s finances, and how the borough plans to work within the new framework going forward.

“There’s no doubt that the economic impact of COVID-19 is unprecedented and is having an impact on industries everywhere, including local government,” Queenscliffe chief executive officer Martin Gill said. “We’ll be clear in demonstrating the way the pandemic has altered the draft budget, but also continuing to highlight those key areas where community feedback has directly resulted in funding for new initiatives.”

Residents, ratepayers and visitors can watch the live stream from 6pm on Monday at