Bunny Woods revegetated

August 27, 2020 BY

More than 500 trees, shrubs and groundcovers have been replanted in the Point Lonsdale Foreshore.

POINT Lonsdale’s Bunny Woods are again looking their best, after the Borough of Queenscliffe completed its revegetation works last week.
The section of dirt paths, trees and coastal vegetation next to Point Lonsdale’s front beach was temporarily closed to public access in July due to vegetation damage caused by makeshift bike tracks.
Council contractors and members of the Bellarine Catchment Network have since planted more than 500 new trees, shrubs, and groundcovers, and the rehabilitated area has been re-opened to the public.
Borough of Queenscliffe mayor Ross Ebbels is calling for the co-operation of the local community in protecting the new plant life.
“Bunny Woods is a special and well-loved area of Point Lonsdale, and this recent revegetation work will see it be a feature for generations to come,” he said.
“You can help by taking special care when walking through the area, sticking to the tracks, dismounting if you’re on a bike, and letting the council know if you notice any further damage to the area. Your vigilance and awareness will help protect the important coastal vegetation in Bunny Woods.”
The council says it is continuing work on finding a suitable site for a new specialised BMX track in the Borough of Queenscliffe.
Officers are preparing some initial concepts and are looking forward to involving riders in the design of the new track.