Cable thefts keep streets in the dark

January 10, 2025 BY

Geelong councillor Eddy Kontelj has accused the Victorian government of "being asleep at the wheel", as several streetlights in Geelong's northern suburbs have remained unoperational for more than a year. Photo: FACEBOOK/EDDY KONTELJ

SEVERAL streetlights in Bell Post Hill and Lovely Banks have been out of commission for more than a year as local authorities grapple with a spate of copper cable thefts in the area.

A City of Greater Geelong councillor has said “enough is enough” and is demanding the Victorian government take immediate action to repair the affected streetlights on Ballarat and Anakie roads.

Hamlyn Heights Ward councillor Eddy Kontelj said he had reported the issue to VicRoads and local MPs on three separate occasions over the past 12 months, but the problem had persisted.

“I consider this to now be an emergency,” he said.

“These roads have been designed with streetlights to aid drivers and pedestrians to safely navigate the roads and avoid collisions and accidents.

“Without the presence of functioning streetlights, this is a serious and major safety hazard.

“With some 279 lost lives in Victoria in 2024 due to road accidents, and no apparent interested demonstrated by VicRoads or the state government to resolve this known matter in over a year – you could be accused of literally being asleep at the wheel.”

Correspondence between Cr Kontelj and the Department of Transport and Planning, shared by Cr Kontelj online, suggests that previous attempts by the department to replace the stolen cables have been followed quickly by further thefts.

A spokesperson for Victoria Police confirmed that detectives from the Geelong Crime Investigation Unit had been investigating the theft of cables from a number of streetlights the region over the past 12 months.

It is understood various measures, including the rollout of anti-theft devices are currently being trialled at some metropolitan sites to prevent cable thefts from reoccurring and to restore the affected streetlights.

A spokesperson for the Department of Transport and Planning thanked the local community for their patience while the department continues to “plan for works to restore the affected streetlights”.

He said the theft and vandalism of transport infrastructure “puts lives at risk” including the thieves themselves, with copper cables carrying up to 1,500 volts of electricity.

As a result, interfering with this infrastructure not only disables critical road infrastructure, it can also cause series injury or death.

Anyone who witnesses any theft or vandalism on Victoria’s transport network is urged to contact Victoria Police immediately.