Calendar vote open

September 22, 2021 BY

Voters can choose from two images for each page of the city's 2021 calendar. Wangim Walk by Danka Dear (right) and Waterfront Sunrise by Tash Dear (left) are shortlisted for the front cover.

VOTING is open to choose the photographs of Greater Geelong that will feature on next year’s city calendar.

The City of Greater Geelong has tried to assist the community by shortlisting two images to select for the cover and each month, from more than 1300 entries received.

However voting will still not be easy, with a spectacular selection of images submitted by amateur and professional photographers in the community-judged competition.

Vying for cover photo selection are mother and daughter Danka and Tash Dear.

Danka has a second image of the waterfront’s floating Christmas tree shortlisted for December.

Tash also has a second image shortlisted for August, and both talented photographers have told their social media audience that being shortlisted for the annual Geelong calendar competition is an honour.

While the calendar provides a great opportunity for creative people to showcase their skills and the region’s impressive scenery, the council also produces the free calendar each year to increase community pride and promote local events and activities.

The calendars feature information on waste collection, council services, public holidays, rates payment, animal registration, daylight savings and school terms.

Online voting for next year’s calendar has opened this week, via the city’s website, and closes at 5pm on September 27.

More than 110,000 households will receive a calendar which will be arriving in mail boxes mid-December.