Meet your council candidates: Windermere Ward, City of Greater Geelong

October 8, 2020 BY
Enamul Haque.

Enamul Haque

Candidate did not respond by deadline. From their VEC questionnaire:

Sectors I strive to improve include enhancing post-pandemic support; providing scientific and technological support to struggling farmers; expanding and improving railway station carparks; boosting the promotion of local businesses; creating new community hubs; establishing new health centres and early childhood learning services; encouraging sustainable development to reduce our carbon footprint.

I hold a PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (University of Sydney), contributing to research nation-wide. Diverse community and commercial relationships are crucial to me. I am involved with many community networks, that possess leadership experience. With my professional experiences and educational background, I am the perfect councillor candidate.

Kylie Grzybek.

Kylie Grzybek

 Candidate did not respond by deadline. From their website:

As a councillor, I get a kick out of talking to the community on a wide range of topics and you get a real sense of the reasons why people enjoy where they live, work and play.

I am a Lara mother-of-two teenagers who is vowing to continue to fight for a safer community and deliver a fair share for the north.

​I currently work as the Chief of Staff to the Chief Executive Officer at the Transport Accident Commission in Geelong and am currently presently serving as Secretary of the Lara United Football Club.

​I have lived in Lara for over 40 years and am a passionate member of my local community.

​I believe my actions and deliverables over the past three years can be testament to my motivations and key passions.

Monique Connell.

Monique Connell

Occupation: State government employee at the TAC

Resides in: Bell Park

How long in ward: More than 10 years

Community involvement: I am involved in community gardening, recycling, education and training as well as local sporting groups

Political allegiance? I answer to no one – I am fully independent

Preferencing? No-one at this stage. I would consider anyone who will put the climate first in every decision

Campaign budget? Receiving financial support? Zero, no financial support

Most important issues in your ward? JOBS! Healthcare, education, and creating a safe community environment which helps people to connect

Anthony Aitken.

Anthony Aitken

Occupation: Chief Financial Officer

Where do you live? North Geelong

How long have you lived in your ward? All my life.

What’s your involvement with the community? Current Councillors with the City of Greater Geelong.  Chair of the Board Volunteering Geelong and Volunteering Geelong Community Trust, Honorary Treasurer of dal disability enterprise.

What’s your political allegiance? Independent.

Who will you preference? Kylie Grzybek as we have from a strong and united team on Geelong council to represent the north of geelong and I wish to continue that.

What’s your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support? Self-funded campaign approx. budget $5000

What are the most important issues in your ward? Fight for a fair share for the north to improve local community assets (roads/footpaths/open space) and sporting facilities. Address social inequality in Norlane and Corio. Jobs.
Build The Northern Aquatic and Community Hub.
Sensible residential development in Lara.
Restrict Truck movements through Lara.
Lara Sports Precinct Master Plan and Lara Basketball Stadium.

Sarah Hathway.

Sarah Hathway

Occupation: Union organiser in the health industry

Resides in: Norlane

How long in ward: Close to 2.5 years

Community involvement: Most recently I have been involved in campaigns in relation to climate change, including lobbying the local council to declare a climate emergency and take action at a local level.

Political allegiance: Member of Socialist Alliance

Preferencing: Monique Connell, Enamul Haque, Antony Aitken, Kylie Grzybek.

Campaign budget? Receiving financial support? By the end of the campaign total expenses will be close to $5,500. The campaign has been funded by donations from individuals.

What are the most important issues in your ward? Lack of basic amenities including footpaths, tree coverage, infrastructure in local parks including paths, benches, public toilets, play equipment, trees and other vegetation, and drainage.
Jobs and services. We need the Northern ARC project funded. We need council to do more advocacy around this project and encourage community participation in campaigning for funding for this project.
Action on climate change. We need council to commit to clear emissions reduction targets, we need to significantly increase tree coverage in the northern suburbs of Geelong. We need council to invest in heat shelters, which may include providing access to existing council owned businesses for residents to access during periods of extreme weather.
Access to public housing & affordable housing. Particularly one bedroom and 3-4 bedroom residences. I want to see local council partnering with state and federal governments to build more public housing in the area.
Engagement with the community. What council does or doesn’t do, impacts residents in the north. Councillors need to do more to actively engage with residents to make sure they’re aware of what council is doing and to listen to the concerns of local residents and find out what the important issues are.