
Choosing Hope Walk comes to Geelong

October 19, 2024 BY
Geelong Choosing Hope Walk

Walkers will make their way around the Eastern Park Circuit loop in honour of those who have experienced the loss of a baby Photos: SUPPLIED

IN HONOUR of those who have experienced the loss of a baby, Bears of Hope will hold a Choosing Hope Walk next weekend.

Families, friends and colleagues of those who have lost a baby are encouraged to attend the event at the Eastern Park Circuit on October 27.

Bears of Hope’s Abby Dante said from their perspective the walk is a supportive event and is important for a number of reasons.

“We run these in the communities and it’s a way for the bereaved community to gather together and remember their babies,” she said.


Participants can attend a remembrance ceremony after the walk. Photo: SUPPLIED


“It also really shows for a parent they’re not alone in their experience and in what they’ve been through, they’re seeing other families and groups and people in these environments that are there for the exact same reason they are.”

Bears of Hope provides support to those who experience the loss of their baby, running the walk nationally to line up with International Pregnancy and Infancy Loss Remembrance Month.

This is the first year the walk will be held in Geelong, with participants completing a 2.3-kilometre loop. After the walk, there will be a remembrance service where the names of the babies people are walking in honour of will be read out.

“Some people will never hear their babies’ names said out loud, so having them be part of the remembrance service and to be able to say their baby’s name and recognise that baby for them, is a key piece to that support,” Ms Dante said.

Pre-registration for the walk closes on October 20 with registration on the day also available. Those who pre-register for the walk will also have the opportunity to raise money for Bears of Hope.

For information, head to choosinghope.com.au.