City appoints committee to advise on social housing

January 21, 2021 BY

The City of Greater Geelong aims to significantly increase social housing supply in the region by 2041.

THE first members of the City of Greater Geelong’s Affordable Social Housing Advisory Committee have been announced.

The city established the committee as a key action of the Social Housing Plan 2020-2041, which was endorsed by the council in February last year.

About 40 applications were received to sit on the 12-person committee.

The new committee will advise the council on the implementation of the plan, supply of properties and issues and opportunities related to social and affordable housing in Greater Geelong.

The members are:

  • Kerrie Crtalic
  • Robert Davis
  • Grant Divall
  • Dr Louise Johnson
  • Helen Maher
  • Bill Mithen
  • Trudi Ray
  • Susan Taylor
  • Natalie Walker
  • John White
  • Steve Dunn
  • Tony Jenkins.

The committee members bring a wealth of expertise, including representatives from the Department of Health and Human Services, community services, housing and urban design research and the property development industry.

Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher said establishing the advisory committee was an important step forward in the council’s goal to significantly increase social housing supply in the region by 2041.

“Social housing is vital for our community. Everyone has the right to a safe, affordable home and the benefits that brings in helping people engage with employment, education and community services.

“Without major investment and advocacy, the most vulnerable in our community will continue to be impacted.”

A key target outlined in the plan is to support the development of 13,500 new social housing dwellings by 2041 in order to meet the significant demand in the Greater Geelong region.

The success of the goals outlined in the plan will rely heavily on advocacy by councillors and city staff, along with state and federal government, community service and private developer partnerships.

Cr Sarah Mansfield, chair of the council’s social housing portfolio, thanked the community members who put their names forward for the committee.

“The new members of the Affordable Social Housing Advisory Committee have a wealth of knowledge and a strong passion for reducing inequity in our community,” she said.

“I look forward to hearing their advice as we progress our significant work to address housing stress in our region.”

The Affordable Social Housing Advisory Committee will meet for the first time in the coming weeks. The development of the Social Housing Plan 2020-2041 was funded by a grant under the state government’s Social Housing Investment Planning program.

For more information on the city’s Social Housing Plan 2020-2041, head to