
City crosses off key safety project

April 4, 2022 BY

Mirripoa Primary School students Jackson and Charli at their new school crossing, pictured with Cr Ron Nelson and children's crossing supervisor Lisa Thompson. Photo: SUPPLIED

STUDENTS at Mount Duneed’s Mirripoa Primary School now have a safer passage to classes thanks to a new pedestrian crossing.

City of Greater Geelong (COGG) and the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) jointly funded the raised pedestrian crossing which included upgrades to street lighting and line marking.

A crossing supervisor will man the Unity Drive crossing to help students navigate peak hour traffic on their way to school.

The walkway also links with a playground and Club Armstrong opposite the school.

The council says the upgraded crossing will improve community safety and improve connections for pedestrians and cyclists.

“Enrolments at Mirripoa have grown quickly, with more than 300 students attending the school this year,” deputy mayor Trent Sullivan said.

“The introduction of the new raised ‘wombat’ crossing and an attending supervisor has made the area safer for all road users.”

Kardinia Ward councillor Ron Nelson said he was excited to see further development of important infrastructure for the community, with blue-ribbon projects like a $13 million Mount Duneed community hub and kindergarten and the $18.4 million Armstrong Creek Town Centre Library and Learning Hub also underway.

“It is an exciting year in Armstrong Creek and Mount Duneed, and I’m looking forward to seeing the area continue to go from strength to strength.”