City encourages residents to be waste savvy

October 22, 2020 BY

THE City of Greater Geelong is encouraging residents to make sure they are clear on what materials are suitable for different bins.

Approximately five tonnes of non-compostable waste is removed from organic collections in the region each week.

Garden Organics Process Facility team leader Andrew Lucas said incorrectly sorted waste is often difficult to completely remove.

“The non-compostable items can be broken into smaller pieces inside the collection truck, while the bags of household rubbish are often torn and their contents spilled across the rest of the load,” Mr Lucas said.

“It’s impossible to collect every small piece of contamination in the short time available so we encourage people to use their green-lidded bins for garden organics only. All household waste should be placed in the kerbside waste bin.

“Remember, if it doesn’t grow, it doesn’t go.”

The city is also aiming to improve the use of recycling bins and launched a kerbside inspection program, which has caused a reduction in plastic bag contamination from Geelong resident’s recycling bins.

The program uses cameras in recycling trucks to identify plastic bags in recycling bins. Stickers are then applied to the residents’ bin informing them that plastic bags negatively impact the recycling process.

Empty plastic supermarket bags can be returned to local supermarkets for recycling through the REDcycle program.

To view a full list of what can and cannot be recycled by heading to

To find out more about the city’s recycling and rubbish services head to