
City seeks input for Market Square revamp

February 8, 2023 BY

A framework guiding future development of Geelong's Market Square is due by the end of this year. Photo: SUPPLIED

GEELONG council has started development of a masterplan for the city’s Market Square precinct in a bid to revitalise the “declining” shopping centre.

A return to a public market or residential opportunities are on the table for the retail area as the city prepares a plan that will provide guidelines for future development.

The City of Greater Geelong is now taking feedback to inform its Market Square Masterplan to regenerate the block bound by Malop, Yarra, Ryrie and Moorabool streets.

COGG says its plan would investigate how private buildings, public space and key connections to other city precincts can improve for better integrations through Geelong’s CBD.

Acknowledgement of the area’s Wadawurrung importance, ensuring economic viability and reinstating Little Malop Central as a “a key inclusive public space” are also key objectives of the masterplan.

The draft Central Geelong Framework Plan identified Market Square as a strategic development site, with a masterplan intended to ensure orderly expansion of the precinct.

The city said incremental development of the site had resulted in “the loss of laneways, lack of connection between shops and public space at street level and ongoing issues with antisocial behaviour and declining retail”.

It said the plan would address those problems and “provide a vision for the regeneration of the heart of our city”.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for community members, landholders, businesses and other stakeholders to come together and tell us how the space can be better enjoyed by visitors of all ages,” COGG mayor Trent Sullivan said.

“We want to know what you value about the site, as well as your suggestions for improvement and examples of other inclusive spaces around Victoria, Australia and overseas that are inviting and engaging.

“Council recognises Market Square’s importance as a key driver of our local economy and a central meeting area, and we want to ensure the best potential outcomes.

“This masterplan will not only help guide development in the future for multiple stakeholders, but will be a vital part of supporting the region’s thriving economy and our clever and creative future.”

Public consultation is now open until February 24, with feedback open online or at pop-ups at the mall before the deadline.

The city will develop a plan for public exhibition of a draft mid-this year, with the aim of finalising its plan by the end of 2023.

Market Square is a historic landmark for Geelong, marking the site where the city was founded in the 1850s and had evolved from a public produce market, an exhibition building, theatre and now a shopping centre and public mall.