City to refund unsuccessful parking fines

November 5, 2020 BY

THE City of Greater Geelong will refund approximately $600,000 worth of unsuccessfully appealed parking infringements issued by the city between 2009-2018.

Up to 6,400 appealed infringements will be eligible for a refund in in response to a misinterpretation of processing requirements for parking infringement appeals.

Several Victorian councils had delegates reviews of infringement appeals to third-party contractors, which has since been determined as a breach of the Infringements Act 2006

City of Greater Geelong council director of Planning, Design and Development Gareth Smith said it was only a minority of appeals the City had processed that were affected.

“Unfortunately, this was a common issue for many councils across Victoria, with unique ramifications for each individual organisation,” Mr Smith said.

“Due to the City of Greater Geelong’s thorough audit processes, our inquiries found that only 11 per cent of the total 56,000 appeals received by the City during this period are affected.

“It is worth noting that it was the processing of reviews that was in breach of the Act, not the application of the fine. All fines paid were fairly reviewed and found to be in breach of local laws.”

Mr Smith said the City’s procedures now meet requirements.

“We are confident that our current process for reviewing appeals against parking infringements is sound. All reviews and decisions of appeals against parking infringements issued by the City are conducted by the City’s Internal Ombudsman.”

Letters have been sent to the address recorded with the infringement appeal to all community members eligible for a refund appeal.

To see if you are entitled to a refund head to