City to vote on $28 million Drysdale sport precinct

May 11, 2020 BY

The precinct on the corner of Grubb and Belchers Roads.

THE City of Greater Geelong council will vote tomorrow on plans for a $28 million development of the Drysdale Sports Precinct.The first stage of the facility opened on the corner of Grubb and Belchers Roads in February 2018. It was a $6.7 million project, funded by both the state government and the city.

The Drysdale Sporting Precinct Master Plan includes three multi-use ovals, two netball courts, a soccer pitch with competition standard lighting, a playground, a “learn to ride” cycle track, an open recreation space, and a 2.5-kilometre running track around the precinct’s perimeter.

The plans also include a $4 million pavilion that will also have a social space and a grandstand.

The state government has committed $5 million to the project, with a further $3.5 million commitment from the federal government.

The federal government have also committed $10 million to a swimming pool in the Bellarine Peninsula, which could potentially be located in the precinct.

In the city’s recently released 2020-21 budget, $215,000 was allocated to the Drysdale Sporting Precinct Master Plan Implementation.