
City updating master plan for Myers Reserve

November 14, 2022 BY

An aerial view of Myers Reserve in Bell Post Hill - the Geelong Ring Road can be seen to the right. Photo: CITY OF GREATER GEELONG

THE City of Greater Geelong has made accessibility and safety a key focus of its revised master plan for Bell Post Hill’s Myers Reserve, and is seeking public feedback.

The draft master plan prepared by the city updates the 2005 plan and comes after a site and needs analysis, issues and opportunities report, and initial community engagement.

Multiple priorities have been identified for works at the reserve in Creamery Road, including relocation of the netball courts and bowls greens, refurbishment of the existing pavilion, new facilities for soccer and bowls and extra sporting fields.

The draft plan also earmarks enhancing the amenity of Myers Reserve by retaining the existing tree canopy and undertaking additional plantings, including a vegetation buffer between the reserve and the Geelong Ring Road.

A Project Reference Group of key stakeholders and user groups was established to provide input into the development of the draft master plan, which will be open for public consultation for a period of six weeks and closes on December 6.

Geelong mayor Peter Murrihy said the city was keen to gather community insights into what they felt was best for the future of Myers Reserve.

“There are a multitude of sporting clubs and other users who use this precinct, so I encourage everyone to provide their feedback on this draft plan,” Cr Murrihy said.

“We want to try to get a full understanding of the community’s views, which will help shape the future direction of Myers Reserve.”

The draft plan considers the role of Myers Reserve within the context of the future development of the Northern and Western Geelong Growth Areas (NWGGA), which will eventually house a total of 111,000 residents in regional Victoria’s largest urban growth project.

Cr Kylie Grzybek said the draft master plan was designed to allow Myers Reserve to grow with the community.

“This plan gives the community an opportunity to have their say on the required facilities and infrastructure to cater for their current and future needs,” Cr Grzybek said.

The final Myers Reserve Master Plan will be presented to the council for adoption in early 2023.

To read the master plan and provide feedback, head to yoursay.geelongaustralia.com.au/MRMP