City urges VCAT to drop Lara townhouse development

July 9, 2021 BY

The townhouse development would be built here, at 9-13 Manzeene Avenue in Lara (outlined in aqua). Photo: CITY OF GREATER GEELONG

THE City of Greater Geelong council’s planning committee has urged the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to knock back a permit for a proposed townhouse development in Lara.

Last year, developers proposed to build 89 dwellings on the 2.195 hectare site at 9-13 Manzeene Avenue, but their application was refused by VCAT in line with a recommendation by the planning committee.

Revised plans submitted soon after reduced the number of dwellings by five, with a mix of two-, three- and four-bedroom townhouses, mostly in attached form.

However, the revised plans also received strong community opposition, attracting 211 submissions.

Concerns were similar to those raised in response to the original proposal, centring on the density of the proposed development, its lack of suitability for Lara’s rural neighbourhood character, and the likelihood of increased traffic and car parking demand.

Last week, the planning committee unanimously voted in favour of a motion moved by committee chair Cr Kylie Grzybek to formally recommend that VCAT refuse the permit.

Cr Grzybek said the revised application still did not fit the character of Lara.

“The community has again given council feedback that nowhere in Lara do we have this type and density of housing,” she said.

“A development like this is better suited to Melbourne.

“Lara residents choose to live here because they enjoy being part of a community and town with a rural feel, and this development would not be in keeping with that highly valued neighbourhood character.”

Deputy mayor Trent Sullivan and councillors Anthony Aitken, Jim Mason, Belinda Moloney and Sarah Mansfield are the other members of the planning committee.