City welcomes extension on battery project feedback

An overview of the site proposed for the Little River BESS - the batteries would be located in the east in the image , near Sandy Creek Road (Which runs north-south)
THE City of Greater Geelong has welcomed a Victorian government decision to extend the time a proposed battery storage project in Little River will be open for public feedback.
The Victorian Minister for Planning is considering whether to prepare, adopt and approve a draft planning scheme Amendment C466ggee from the city regarding the site at 405-455 Sandy Creek Road, which will allow the land to be used for the Little River Battery Energy Storage System (BESS).
According to the planning documents prepared for ACEnergy Pty Ltd, the proposed BESS will comprise about 372 BESS units and 124 Medium Voltage Power Stations (MVPS) with a total capacity of about 770MWh of
electricity storage off the grid from the 220kV overhead transmission lines that traverse the south-east corner of the site.
A switching station and connection asset including a control room will also be located on the site to support the BESS.
The south-east portion of the development area will be left vacant to ensure no collisions with the overhead 220kV powerlines.
Public submissions about the amendment to allow the project were to close yesterday (Saturday, September 7).
On Monday this week, the city said it wrote to the Victorian government last week in response to community concerns and a question at its August council meeting, requesting an extension to the consultation period, and also met with officers from the Department of Transport and Planning.
“We’re pleased to be advised by the Victorian Government that it will extend the submission period for Draft Amendment C466ggee, in line with our written request and the community’s wishes,” Geelong mayor Trent Sullivan said.
“We thank the government for its response and encourage the community to have its say before the revised deadline of Saturday, September 28.”
For more information on the draft amendment or to make a submission, head to