City’s mosquito treatment program begins

November 5, 2020 BY

WITH the weather warming up, the City of Greater Geelong is addressing the surge in mosquito numbers around the region.

The city’s director of planning, design and development, Gareth Smith, said the increased rain and milder temperatures over winter and spring provided ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes.

“These conditions have led to a significant rise in the mosquito population across Greater Geelong.

“We are now in the process of monitoring and treating large wetlands which are known breeding areas.

“Our treatment program uses biological products which are targeted specifically at mosquito larvae, without adversely impacting people, other animals or the general environment,” said Mr Smith.

The city uses Bacillus thuringiensis isralensis (Bti) and s-Methoprene to treat breeding sites, which are approved by the Australia Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority for mosquito management.

Mr Smith said mosquito numbers were likely to fluctuate over the season in response to environmental factors.

“Residents can help us to keep mosquito numbers down by keeping their pools, spas and fishponds maintained, as well as regularly removing water from blocked gutters, old pots, toys, bird baths or stagnant ponds around the home.

“Plus make sure any openings to your rainwater tanks are covered with mesh.

People are also encouraged to protect themselves and their families from mosquito bites by:

  • Wearing clothing that is light-coloured and loose-fitting
  • Covering arms, legs and feet, and
  • Using an effective insect repellent.

The city’s mosquito management program will continue through the warmer summer months until March.

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