Clean Up days approaching

February 20, 2020 BY

Kindergartens from Anglesea and Torquay joined the Clean Up Australia Day efforts in 2019.

Community members and businesses are being encouraged to get involved in Clean Up Australia events being held over the coming days.

Before Clean Up Australia Day itself on March 1, groups can take part in Business Clean Up Day on Tuesday, February 25 and Schools and Youth Clean Up Day on February 28.

The Surf Coast Shire council will be one of the groups taking part in Business Clean Up Day.

Shire mayor Rose Hodge said she was pleased that not only was the council participating in the event, other local groups would also join in.

“Council is proud to again be taking part in Clean Up Australia’s Business Clean Up Day. On Tuesday our staff will be picking up rubbish around our community and civic precinct in Torquay.

“We’ve also had a number of local businesses register to clean up different areas across the shire. When businesses register to clean up, they can contact Council to help out with rubbish disposal.”

There are also various groups such as AUSMAP, Friends of the Bluff, Queenscliff Rotary, Business and Tourism Anglesea, and the Great Ocean Road Coast Committee (GORCC) that will be holding local clean ups people are free to join.

Cr Hodge encouraged people to take part and help the environment.

“Clean Up Australia is a fantastic – and long-running – initiative and I encourage everyone to play their part. We live in such a beautiful part of the world, so let’s keep it that way.”

Businesses can register by heading to

People can also find nearby Clean Up Australia Day events by heading to