
Community consultation opens on draft masterplan

December 26, 2023 BY

A render of a proposed linear park on Gheringhap Street in Geelong's CBD. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE City of Greater Geelong has put forth its Draft Mercer and Gheringhap Streetscape Masterplan and is asking for community feedback prior to the project’s review period in late-January.

Council says the project would make the entire length of Mercer, Gheringhap, and Bayley streets in central Geelong more inviting, accessible, and green, providing up to 20,800 square metres of fully accessible public space.

Council endorsed the Draft Mercer and Gheringhap Streetscape Masterplan for public consultation at its November 28 Council meeting, which considers factors such as pedestrian improvements, greening intersection upgrades, seating, art, cycling and accessibility in its outline.

Geelong mayor Trent Sullivan said the draft masterplan aims to contribute to the area’s character and sense of identity.

“We want to progressively improve these streets, with support from the Victorian Government and developers, so that they are more appealing and accessible for all users.

“By providing spaces that are greener, livelier, and more convenient to move around and reflect our Wadawurrung history, we hope to attract more people to gather in the area and support local businesses.”

In addition to the proposed public space, 7,400sqm of additional footpaths will be installed, 620 trees will be provided in canopy cover, 260 new seats, bins, drinking fountains and other street furniture will be implemented, 1.2km of underground powerlines will be placed, and 7,200sqm of water sensitive urban design will assist in mitigating rain events.

The proposed masterplan also includes road layout changes and on-street parking.

City councillor and chair of Council’s Environment and Circular Economy portfolio Peter Murrihy said the masterplan provides a clear vision and design guideline for these three streets.

“We want to hear from community members who visit, work, and live in central Geelong, questions like how do you think the increased public spaces, accessibility and changes to parking will work?

“The feedback will contribute to a final masterplan, which will support planning applications and inform future business cases for Council and Victorian Government funding.”

Public consultation for the masterplan closes at 5pm on January 23.

Head to yoursay.geelongaustralia.com.au/MGSM to submit feedback before the deadline.