Community invited to write next chapter of the future of libraries

March 18, 2021 BY

The Geelong Library and Heritage Centre is the region's major library. Photo: GRLC

BOOKWORMS rejoice! The Geelong Regional Library Corporation (GRLC) is inviting members of the public to share their ideas for the future of their community library services.

Long gone are the days where libraries were places filled with dusty books, elbow patches and shushing librarians.

Libraries now feature 24-hour wi-fi, packed event calendars, click and deliver, click and collect, home library services, PC and mobile devices for hire and so much more.

The GRLC is upping its game even more and is developing its new ‘Library Plan 2021-25’ which will drive the goals, strategies and actions for its network of libraries for years to come.

As part of the process, GRLC is currently seeking input from the community.

Participants will not just be rewarded with the satisfaction of contributing to the future of the region, but there are also prizes up for grabs for those who take part in the quick online survey, including an iPad and gift card prizes.

GRLC chair Cr Ron Nelson from the City of Greater Geelong is keen for everyone to have their say.

“We want to know how Geelong Regional Libraries, as one of the best library services in Victoria, can be even better – and people from the various communities we serve are well placed to tell us that.

“Public libraries are vital public services and we want to know what people would like to see from their library service, to ensure they get the most out of it over the next four years,” he said.

“The Library Plan will be our roadmap towards more engaged readers, more curiosity sated, more community connection and more people using the huge range of services local libraries offer.

“To our communities I say; don’t miss your chance to have your say – and the opportunity to win some great prizes.”

Patti Manolis, chief executive officer of the GRLC, says you don’t need to be a card-carrying library member to take part.

“We really want to hear from as many people as possible – whether they are library members or not – because ultimately, we are here for the benefit of our communities,” Ms Manolis said.

“Community ideas and feedback will shape the plan and help guide the development and delivery of future services.”

The GRLC provides library services via ‘The Dome’ central library, 16 community libraries and two mobile libraries to residents and visitors across the four member councils: Borough of Queenscliffe, City of Greater Geelong, Golden Plains Shire and Surf Coast Shire.

The survey closes on April 16. Face-to-face community consultation will take place during March and April.

Stay informed about opportunities to provide feedback and follow the progress of the Library Plan 2021-25 development via the GRLC’s have your say webpage at and social media channels.