Conjuring up funds

March 19, 2020 BY

Some of the witchy fun at the fundraising event. Photos: KLAUS NANNESTAD

TORQUAY Senior Citizen’s Hall hosted a magical gathering on Friday last week to raise funds for women and children who are victims of domestic violence.

The lunch saw the hall full of people draped in robes and wearing their finest pointed hats.

The event raised about $3,000 for the South East Women and Children’s Services.


Event organiser Palila Opit said she was encouraged by everyone’s generosity.

“It was a fun and an uplifting day and heartening to see the community come together for such a worthy cause.”

The funds will go towards the purchase of a therapeutic swing at the South East Women and Children’s Services centre.

It is a difficult time for the centre, as many who use the emergency housing the service provides have been again displaced by the recent bushfires.

Donations are still being accepted. People can give by to the bank account, BSB: 033 608 Account no: 199 899, by entering the description “Witch”.