Corio tea host adds to national fight against cancer

Corio resident Anita De Simone will achieve her $1,000 fundraising goal for the Biggest Morning Tea this Sunday raising crucial funds for the Cancer Council. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT
LONG-TIME Corio resident Anita De Simone will be one of many Geelong locals to join almost 20,000 hosts across Australia in raising critical funds for cancer research and support services.
More than $8 million has been raised from Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea in 2022 and for Ms De Simone, like so many, it was the loss or near-loss of a loved one that has motivated her to give back.
“My dad, Pasquale, was diagnosed with cancer and he is the primary reason why I’m undertaking this year’s Biggest Morning Tea,” Ms De Simone said.
“He is one of the lucky ones, he was diagnosed with cancer 30 years ago and he is still with us, which is wonderful, but there are so many people who are not lucky enough to say that.
“I’ve lost my two aunties to cancer and the list of friends and families that I personally know affected by cancer is endless, it can happen to any of us. That’s why a fundraiser like this is so important because you might not know who you’re helping, but you’re helping someone.”
Ms De Simone held the first of her two morning teas this year on May 19 through her workplace and will host another this Sunday, June 26 with friends and family.
The mother of two set a goal of raising $1,000 over her two morning teas and was blown away by the generosity of her workplace and those who attended last month’s event, raising $770 on the day alone.
She said reaching her goal this weekend was almost a certainty as a result of generous local Corio businesses providing more than a dozen raffle prizes.
“Events like this bring people together,” Ms De Simone said.
“At my workplace’s morning tea for instance, we were together sharing stories and that would not have been possible without events like the Biggest Morning Tea.
“We are raising this money for people who are fighting this battle right now and need
that support.
“It’s not all just for research, it’s also for family support where patients and even family members can get emotional help.”
Ms De Simone said every contribution helps and that if everyone can contribute just a little, it will literally save lives.
To donate to Anita’s fundraiser, head to or to for more information on how to help
Cancer Council.