Meet your council candidates: Brownbill Ward, City of Greater Geelong

Sandi Dwyer
Candidate provided this statement:
I’m Sandi Dwyer, a therapist, yoga, meditation and qigong teacher living in Belmont. Born and raised in Geelong, my life now is integrated across the region, including Brownbill ward though I am not housed in it. The need to act for climate change and for the youth who can’t vote has compelled me to be more involved in the community. I don’t have a Political allegiance. Like Martin Luther King Jnr, it’s “the content of their character” and what they are aligned with… not the banner they march under that captures my attention.
Preferences? Sarah Mansfield and then Peter Murrihy.
Put Climate First have pooled our minimal campaign budget to support each other, my input is $400.
The most important issue in every ward is Climate Change! We are on a steep upwards exponential curve, just like we were with Covid 19. We reversed the curve of Covid without having solutions. With Climate change, many solutions are available! When we respond interdependently change happens rapidly. “Put Climate First” in every decision: Zero emissions by 2030, Localise products and services, Restore and Regenerate ecology and biodiversity starting with soil, Citizen’s assembly – to bring the community more powerfully into council decision making

Bernie Franke
Occupation: community nurse and small family business
Where do you live? Fyansford
How long have you lived in your ward? 15 years
What’s your involvement with the community? Member of various sporting clubs via kids sport.
What’s your political allegiance? Nil.
Who will you preference? Undecided.
What’s your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support? Nil. No, none.
What are the most important issues in your ward? Council needs to take its head out of its backside and recognize that the citizens have taken a big hit this year. The escalating council wages bill – the real reason your rates keep going up. The 100 year Fyansford tip – residents would like to know just how a resolution of the full council on the future of the tip could simply disappear and what now? Council builds itself a castle in the sky (new council office) and the aged and disabled now wait months for the council home care that helps to keep them living at home. Council scratching its head, tip fees through the roof, rubbish dumping at epidemic levels, more bins that you can poke a stick at and now they want us to drop off our own glass recycling? The council that put the cart before the horse, built the green spine and then wanted to close city streets and further reduce parking in order to create cycling and pedestrian nirvana in Geelong but did not first bother to resolve how the increasing population will be able to efficiently travel the crucial east to west traffic route. Time for a change.

Alex Csar
Candidate did not respond by deadline. From their VEC questionnaire:
My vision is for a city that is prepared for the future and is inclusive and respectful for all that reside in it, work in it and work for it.
I have had some previous experience in student politics, along with a long career in customer service that has brought me into contact with a diverse range of people in sometimes challenging circumstances.

Peter Murrihy
Occupation: I am a retired police officer
Resides in: Newtown
How long in your ward: More than 35 years
Community involvement: Life member of St Marys Sporting Club, past senior coach and junior Netball Coach at Newtown FNC. Past senior coach of Geelong Amateurs FNC. Currently president of the Geelong Racing Club. Past president and still active patrol member of the Lorne Surf Life Saving Club
Political allegiance: I am a totally independent candidate with no political affiliations
Preferencing: Sarah Mansfield, then Labor, and then Sandy Dwyer
Campaign budget? Receiving any support? I am funding my own campaign
Most important issues in your ward: Residents and ratepayers expect the basic Council services to improve and I will do my best to see this happens, and also focus on whatever is required in assistance post-COVID-19.

Stretch Kontelj
Occupation: Lawyer, University Professor, Accountant and ADF Reservist.
Where do you live? Newtown
How long have you lived in your ward? All my life – that is, 58 years.
What’s your involvement with the community? I have a long history of community service including the following:
Mayor, City of Greater Geelong (2001 – 2002)
Deputy Mayor, City of Greater Geelong (2013 & 1998-1999)
Councillor, City of Greater Geelong (1998-2015)
Director, Barwon Region Water Corporation (since 2011 – 2015)
President – Geelong Ethnic Communities Council, 1993-2002, Vice President, 1991-1993 and Council member from 1990 to 2004.
Chair, Geelong Migrant Resource Centre (1993 – 2001)
Chair, Victorian Association of Migrant Resource Centres (1996 – 1997)
Chairman, Geelong Spring Festival 1992 and Treasurer 1991.
Board member, Grace McKeller Centre (400 bed aged care facility) (1993- 1996)
Chairman, Geelong Multicultural Hostel 2000-2002, Deputy Chairman and board member, 1994-2002.
Board member, Geelong Multicultural Hostel Appeal (1993-1997)
Member, Refugee Review Tribunal (1997-1999)
Member, City of Greater Geelong Social Issues Advisory Board (1995 – 1996)
What’s your political allegiance? Liberal Party
Who will you preference? I am encouraging voters to Vote 1 Stretch Kontelj and Eddy Kontelj 1 and 2 and in other respects voters can do as they please.
What’s your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support? My budget is less than $10,000 which I am self-funding.
What are the most important issues in your ward? The Ward is very large with different neighbourhoods of interest however the unifying challenge is better community infrastructure coupled with protection of the environment and investment in open space.

Sarah Mansfield
Occupation: General practitioner, Senior Lecturer at Deakin University, current councillor
Where do you live? East Geelong
How long have you lived in your ward? 10 years
What’s your involvement with the community? Involved with multiple community groups in my role as a councillor for the past 3 years, volunteer with The Water Well Project (health information program for migrants and refugees), member of a local school council
What’s your political allegiance? The Greens
Who will you preference? Voters decide their own preferences, however I will publish a ‘how to vote card’ online which they may wish to use as a guide.
What’s your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support? My campaign budget is approximately $3,000-4,000, the majority of which has been raised from the local community. I have engaged in grassroots fundraising, including a fundraising auction and individual donations. These funds, along with some additional support from the Greens, have been collected by the local Greens branch to be spent on my campaign. I do not accept donations from property developers or the gambling industry.
What are the most important issues in your ward? Better access to safe cycling and walking routes and more reliable public transport; climate change action; reducing waste going to landfill including food organics; increasing availability of social and affordable housing; improved community sports facilities to grow female participation; increasing local employment opportunities and greater support for local business and arts to rebuild a vibrant Geelong.

Eddy Kontelj
Candidate did not respond by deadline. From their VEC questionnaire:
To work with the community, council, relevant stakeholders and fellow councillors to develop, build and foster a welcoming, diverse, safe and healthy environment which provides all Geelong residents, visitors and investors appropriate and equitable opportunities to achieve their aspirations in all aspects of community, career, business and family life.
I have represented the community as a councillor since 2010. I have extensive commercial, business and not-for-profit expertise and have held executive and senior management positions in private and government organisations for some 15 years. I completed the Leaders for Geelong program and the Australian Company Directors course.

Gabriel Wenyika
Occupation: I am a lawyer by training but I currently work for the Australian Bureau of Statistics. I have been with the ABS since 2016t so almost 4 years now and I am currently doing my Masters in Law with Monash University.
Where do you live? Fyansford.
How long have you lived in your ward? Almost 6 years now. Live in Newtown for about 3 years before moving down the hill into Fyansford.
What’s your involvement with the community? I am on the board of OneCare which is a community outreach non-for-profit organisation that seeks to provide a range of services and programs that assist people in the community experiencing disadvantage and social isolation. I also have strong ties with Red Frogs Australia and have volunteered in Geelong over the past 11 years in a number of different ways including giving education talks, providing direct relief, safety and support to young people during schoolies and music festivals. I have also served as the Red Frogs Geelong Region Coordinator for a number of years (2015-2018) before stepping into the Assistant State Co-ordinator role for Victoria (2018-2020). I also try and play an active part in the Geelong theatre community and have been in a few plays in the last few years.
What’s your political allegiance? I am not affiliated to any political party nor to I hold membership to any party.
Who will you preference? My preferences are based solely on the character of the individual and not on any political leaning. I have only spoken to a few other candidates and I believe that Sarah Mansfield, Peter Murrihy and Jose Rodriguez are people of integrity.
What’s your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support? I have a relatively small self-funded budget. I have not made it my mission to do out and seek donations. However, I am not opposed to donations. My focus has been to run an honest campaign that is true to who I am.
What are the most important issues in your ward? Improved recycling and hard waste management. More regularly and reliable transport particularly on weekends. More opportunities for young people
As a Councillor for the Brownbill Ward, I will:
Seek to give voice to the concerns of the community as a whole.
Encourage a multicultural viewpoint on all matters before the council
Ensure that young people are represented and heard in decision making.
Consider all issues before the council upon their merits and in line with the Geelong City Councils Strategic Plan and for good of the Geelong community as a whole.
Increase the awareness of and expand Hard Waste Collection Services to reduce the dumping of white goods and other hard waste
Seek to increase support for the Arts and for local businesses
Evoke strong action on climate change.

Dean Hope
Candidate did not respond by deadline. From their VEC questionnaire:
For Geelong to be a safe place, that is revitalised and returns to growth so as to reduce unemployment by improving employment opportunities, reducing crime and enhancing economic development. We must support and protect our neighbourhoods and businesses and rebuild confidence.
I am dedicated to making Geelong safe and highly desirable to live and work for residents and visitors alike. I am experienced people manager with high level of collaboration skills. A key strength is my ability to resolve conflict and disputes.

Louis Hehir
Candidate did not respond by deadline. From their VEC questionnaire:
My vision for the Brownbill region is to create an accessible and inclusive Geelong for all. With the introduction of safe spaces for the LGTBIQA+ community, peer-led mental health services creating jobs and internship opportunities in the region and more bike paths so families can explore the region.
My experience in campaigning on behalf of those that need an organ and or tissue donation while advocating for a opt-out policy. My experience with my own transplant has also enabled me to have a sense of empathy for those who struggle in our community and sympathy.

Jose Rodriguez
Occupation: Architect
Where do you live? Bell Park (Brownbill Ward)
How long have you lived in your ward? 33 years (Various Suburbs inc. Herne Hill, Geelong West, Geelong CBD, Bell Post Hill, Bell Park).
What’s your involvement with the community? Simply put, I am a member of the community and not a public figure who serves the community. With regards to volunteer roles; I am a board member of a Geelong based Private School (K-12), and serve as wait staff at The Outpost.
What’s your political allegiance? I am not aligned or affiliated with any political party.
Who will you preference? I have spoken to a number of candidates as means of introduction, but will not formally or informally, align with any other candidate. I believe this is the only means that I can maintain my independence.
What’s your campaign budget? Approximately $6000k, to cover the cost of a local Creative Agency, Printing, Website Costs and Nomination Fee.
Are you receiving financial support? No, I am not receiving financial support. The financial cost of my campaign is being exclusively supported by my own architectural company.
What are the most important issues in your ward? 1) Equitable access to High Standard of Park & Recreation facilities.
2) Impact of New Development on Existing Neighborhood Character. Eg. Urban Design Framework Plans for Pakington St, Gordon Ave. South Geelong Station and former Sale Yards (North Geelong) et. al.
3) Support of established and emerging, small businesses particularly those in the Creative and Service Industry.
4) Improved Public Transport & Safe Cycling Networks
5) Preparation for Environmental Shocks or Natural Disaster (What lessons can we learn from Covid-19).

Melissa Cadwell
Occupation: Workplace Coordinator, Professionals Australia
Where do you live? St Albans Park
How long have you lived in your ward? All my life – I live in St Albans Park, on the same street that I grew up on. I went to Geelong East Primary School and Geelong High School.
What’s your involvement with the community? I’ve run several community campaigns to help local working families, increasing their take home wage, and keeping them safe at work. I’m a former committee member for the Grinter Community Garden, in Geelong’s eastern suburbs. Having lived all my life in eastern Geelong, I wont just blow in and blow out like some other candidates when it’s election time.
What’s your political allegiance? ALP
Who will you preference? I’ll put the Geelong CBD obsessed candidates last.
What’s your campaign budget? Are you receiving financial support? My campaign is self funded.
What are the most important issues in your ward? Representing the ‘forgotten people’ in the outer suburbs to ensure Council considers everyone’s needs, not just the Geelong CBD.