Cystic Fibrosis Geelong Gala Ball returns with a bang

Lynda White (left) alongside the winning bidder of the restored pink piano, a project three years in the making. Photos: PETER FOSTER
THE Geelong community has rallied together raising almost $130,000 at Cystic Fibrosis Geelong’s annual Gala Ball.
Founder and president of Cystic Fibrosis Geelong Leann Tremul said more than $129,000 was raised at the fifth annual gala ball, with all proceeds to benefit research and programs in the fight against the disease.

“It was a fantastic night, all the feedback is really positive, and everybody had a great time,” Ms Tremul said.
“Our young speaker Ella Baxter from Ocean Grove certainly didn’t leave a dry eye in the room when she was speaking.
“We were really overwhelmed by everybody’s generosity, especially because we haven’t held the event since 2019 since COVID-19 and we weren’t sure of what to expect.”

More than 100 items were sold through silent and live auctions.
Among the auctioned items was a restored, pink C. Oehler Stuttgart piano brought back to life by Lynda White Real Estate’s Lynda White and the Geelong East Men’s Shed.
Ms White first came across the down-trodden piano in 2020 and made it her mission to restore the antique piano and give back to Geelong’s cystic fibrosis charity.

The piano eventually sold for $2,200 with three total bidders competing for possession of the piano.
Ms White said she is glad to have played a role in this year’s gala ball.
“I’m a little bit sad that the piano is gone and that there is a big gap in my living room now, but at the same time I have a very deep sense of satisfaction that two charities have benefitted from this project,” Ms White said.
“There’s nothing in this world that isn’t recyclable, this piano has come full-circle and it will provide a lot of joy in the purchaser’s household for years to come.”
Ms Tremul said the gala ball will return next year.