
Design complete for Geelong youth hub with local input

June 27, 2024 BY

The youth hub, located in the Busport building on Gheringhap Street and Transit Place, will open in January 2025.

THE City of Greater Geelong has finalised the design of a new youth hub in central Geelong, shaped by the ideas and insights of more than 1100 local young people.

The youth hub, located in the Busport building on Gheringhap Street and Transit Place, will open in January 2025.

The two-year pilot program is supported by $400,000 in funding from the Victorian government.

Geelong mayor Trent Sullivan said the youth hub has been designed based on the needs and desires of young people in the community.

“Young people have asked for this facility and from the outset we wanted to make it a place that they would want to come to.

“This process has been incredibly valuable in helping to identify exactly what will make the youth hub a success, and how it can provide the most value to young people.”

A comprehensive engagement process by the City saw contributions from 1226 individuals, with 1121 of them being young people aged 12 to 25.

Their insights shaped the hub’s design and the services it will offer.

The youth hub will feature an open plan area for socialising and group activities, a multi-purpose room for creative activities such as music and art, a kitchen for hosting cooking classes, and an accessible bathroom.

The interior design will reflect the preferences of the survey respondents, aiming to create a space that is ‘welcoming’, ‘comfortable’, ‘warm’, ‘colourful’, and ‘casual’.

Geelong MP Christine Couzens highlighted the importance of having youth involved in the project.

“Importantly, young people have been involved in the design of the Youth Hub, and the services it will provide,” Ms Couzens said.

“I look forward to the opening of the hub, providing young people in Geelong a central space that services their needs and interests.”

The City’s youth development team visited youth hubs in Richmond, Fitzroy, and Footscray, and engaged with multiple youth service organisations to aid the design process.

A builder is currently being appointed, with construction expected to begin soon.

Young people will have the opportunity to suggest names for the hub.